Sunday 3 March 2019

Task or Out Turn Work (Labor output)

Task or Out Turn Work

The capacity of Doing work by skilled labor in the form of quantity per day is called task or out turn work.

Some of the task of major construction activities has been listed below:

Particulars of  Item Qty  Unit Per Day
A. Brickwork
1 Brickwork in Lime or Cement Mortar ( Foundation & Plinth) 1.25 Cum Per Mason
2 Brickwork in Lime or Cement Mortar (Super structure) 1 Cum Per Mason
3 Brickwork in Mud Mortar ( Foundation & Plinth) 1.5 Cum Per Mason
4 Brickwork in Mud Mortar (Super structure) 1.25 Cum Per Mason
5 Brick in Cement or lime mortars in arches 0.55 Cum Per Mason
6 Brick in Cement or lime mortars in Jack arches 0.55 Cum Per Mason
7 Half Brick wall in Partition (115 mm)
B. Stone Work 
8 Course Rubble Stone Masonary in lime/cement mortar + dressing 0.8 Cum Per Mason
9 Random Rubble Stone Masonary in lime/cement mortar + dressing 1 Cum Per Mason
10 Ashlar Masonary in lime/cement Mortar 0.4 Cum Per Mason
11 Stone  Arch Work 0.4 Cum Per Mason
C. Concrete Work
12 Lime concrete in foundation/ floor 8.5 Cum Per Mason
13 Lime concrete in roof terracing 6 Cum Per Mason
14 Cement concrete (1:2:4) 5 Cum Per Mason
15 R.B. work 1 Cum Per Mason
16 R.c.c work 3 Cum Per Mason
D. Plastering work
17 Plastering (12mm)with cement/ lime mortar 8 Cum Per Mason
18 Pointing with Cement/ Lime mortar 10 Cum Per Mason
E. Whitewashing or Painting
19 Whitewashing or Colour Washing - 1 coat 200 sqm per White Washer
20 Whitewashing or Colour Washing - 3 coats 70 sqm per White Washer
21 Door / Windows painting or varnishing- 1 Coat 25 sqm per painter
22 Painting large surface -1 Coat  35 sqm per painter
23 Distempering - 1 coat 35 sqm per painter
F. Flooring
24 2.5 cm ( 1 inch) C.C. floor 7.5 sqm Per Mason
25 Flagstone floor laying with lime/cemnt mortar excluding L.C. 10 sqm Per Mason
26 Terazzo flooring (6mm thick mosaic work) over 2 cm thk Cement concrete (1:2:4) 5 sqm Per Mason
27 Brick on edge in floor lime/cement mortar excluding L.c.  7 sqm Per Mason
28 Brick flat floor lime/cement mortar excluding L.c.  8 sqm Per Mason
G. Door Frame
29 Timber Framing (Sal/ Teak wood) 0.07 cum per carpenter
30 Timber Framing (Country wood) 0.15 cum per carpenter
D/W Shutters
31 Door/ window shutters panelled or glazed  0.15 sqm per carpenter
32 Door/ window shutters battened 0.8 sqm per carpenter
33 Sawing Hard  wood 4 sqm per pair of sawers
34 Sawing Soft  wood 6 sqm per pair of sawers
 H. Tiling
35 Single Allahbad/ Mangalore tiling 6 sqm Per Tile layer
36 Double allahbaad tiling 4 sqm Per Tile layer
37 Breaking of brick ballast 
a 40 mm Gauge 0.75 Cum Per Labor
b 25 mm Gauge 0.55 Cum Per Labor
38 Breaking of  Stone ballast 
a 40 mm Gauge 0.4 Cum Per Labor
b 25 mm Gauge 0.25 Cum Per Labor
 I. Dressing Work
43 Ashlar Stone dressing 0.7 cum Per stone cutter
44 Flag stone dressing 1.5 sqm Per stone cutter
 J. Earth Work
45 Earthwork in excavation in ordinary soil 3 cum per labor
46 Earthwork in excavation in hard soil 2 cum per labor
47 Excavation in rock  1 cum per labor
48 Sand filling in plinth 4 cum per labor

Unit of Measurement in Construction

Unit of Measurement in Construction 
a) For measuring work done

b) For Procurement of Materials

Sunday 29 July 2018

List of IS CODES

A.  Carriage of Materials  
  1 IS 4082   Stacking & storage of and components at site – Recommendations       
  2 IS 1141   Seasoning of Timber – Practice            
B. Earth Work   
  1 IS 632   Gamma – BHC (Lindane)             
  2 IS 1200 (Pt 1) Method of measurement of            
  3 IS 1200 (Pt-27)  Method of measurement of (by Mechanical Appliances  )        
  4 IS 4081   Safety code for Blasting drilling operation           
  5 IS 4988 (Part IV) Excavators                
  6 IS 6313  (pt-II) Anti Termite measures in -constructional)            
  7 IS 6313(pt.-III)   Anti Termite Measures in existing buildings           
  8 IS 6940   Methods of test for their formulations           
  9 IS 8944   Chlorpyrifos emulsifiable concentrates              
  10 IS 8963   Chlorpyrifos – Technical specifications             
  11 IS 12138   Earth moving Equipments              
C. Mortars    
  1 IS 269   Specification for 33 grade cement            
  2 IS 383   Specification for coarse and from natural source for concrete.        
  3 IS 455   Specification for Portland slag             
  4 IS 460 (Part I) Specification for test sieves: test sieves.           
  5 IS 650   Specification for standard sand of cement           
  6 IS 1269   Specification for 53 grade cement            
  7 IS 1344   Specification for calcined clay             
  8 IS 1489   Specification for Portland pozzolana             
  9 IS 1542   Specification for sand for             
  10 IS 1727   Methods of Test for             
  11 IS 2116   Specification for sand for             
  12 IS 2250   Code of practice for use of masonry Mortar.         
  13 IS 2386 (Pt-I)  Method of test for concrete (Particle size and shape)        
  14 IS 2386 (Pt-II)  -Do- Estimation of deleterious organic impurities.           
  15 IS 2386 (Pt-III)  -Do- Specific gravity, density, and bulking.           
  16 IS 3025   Method of sampling and water            
  17 IS 3406   Specification for masonry cement.             
  18 IS 3812 (Part I) Specification for flyash for pozzolana in cement mortar and concrete and concrete     
  19 IS 3812 (Part II) Specification for flyash for admixture in cement martar and concrete and concrete     
  20 IS 4031 (Part I to  Part XII) Method of Physical test cement            
  21 IS 4032   Method of chemical analysis cement.            
  22 IS 8041   Rapid hardening Portland cement.             
  23 IS 8042   Specification for white cement             
  24 IS 8043   Hydrophobic Portland cement              
  25 IS 8112   Specification for 43 grade cement            
  26 IS 11652   Woven HDPE sacks for             
  27 IS 11653   Woven polypropylene sacks for             
  28 IS 12174   Jute synthetic union bags cement            
D. Concrete Work   
  1 IS 383   Specification for coarse and from natural sources for concrete.        
  2 IS 456   Plain and reinforced concrete of practice           
  3 IS 516   Method of test for concrete            
  4 IS 1199   Method of sampling and concrete            
  5 IS 1200 (Part II) Method of measurement of civil engineering work (concrete work)        
  6 IS 1322   Specification for bitumen felt proofing and damp proofing.         
  7 IS 1791   General requirements for batch mixers            
  8 IS 2386   Method of test for concrete            
  (a) Part I -  Particle size and shape             
  (b) Part II -  Estimation of deleterious materials impurities            
  (c) Part III -  Specific gravity, density, voids bulking.            
  (d) Part IV -  Mechanical properties.               
  (e) Part V –  Soundness                
  9 IS 2505   General requirements for concrete immersion type.           
  10 IS 2506   General requirements for concrete screed board concrete vibrators         
  11 IS 2645   Specification for integral water for cement mortar and concrete        
  12 IS 3068   Specification for broken brick coarse aggregate for use in concrete.       
  13 IS 3812   Specification for flyash for pozzolana and admixture in cement mortar and concrete.     
  14 IS 4656   Specification for form vibrators             
  15 IS 7861 (Part-I)  Code of practice for concreting (Part-I) recommended  practice for hot weather concreting.    
  16 IS 7861 (Part–II)  Code of practice for concreting (Part-II) recommended.          
  17 IS 9103   Specification for concrete admixtures             
E. Reinforced Cement Concrete Work 
  1 IS 226   Structural Steel               
  2 IS 432 (Part I) Specification for mild steel tensile steel bars and hard drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement  
  3 IS 432 (Part II) Specification for mild steel tensile steel bars and hard drawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement  
  4 IS 456   Code of Practices for Reinforced concrete.           
  5 IS 516   Method of test for concrete.            
  6 IS 716   Specification for pentachlorophenol              
  7 IS 1199   Method of sampling and concrete.            
  8 IS 1200 (Part II) Method of measurement of civil engineering work – concrete work       
  9 IS 1200 (Part V) Method of measurement of civil engineering work – concrete work work (Part 5- Form work)  
  10 IS 1566   Specification for hard drawn fabric for concrete requirement.         
  11 IS 1599   Method for bend test             
  12 IS 1343   Code of Practice for             
  13 IS 1608   Method for tensile testing products            
  14 IS 1786   Specification for high strength and wires for concrete reinforcement.        
  15 IS 1791   Specification for batch type             
  16 IS 2502   Code of practice for fixing of bars for concrete        
  17 IS 2751   Recommended practice for welding steel plain and deformed bars for reinforced construction.     
  18 IS 4925   Batch plants specification for and mixing plant          
  19 IS 4926   Ready – Mixed Concrete             
  20 IS 6523   Specification for precast reinforced window frames           
  21 IS 10262   Recommended guidelines for concrete             
  22 IS 13311 (Part I) Indian standard for non-destructive concrete. Method of test for ultrasonic pulse velocity     
  23 IS 13311 (Part II) Indian standard for non-destructive concrete. Method of testing by rebound hammer.      
F. Brick Work   
  1 IS 712   Specification for building limes.             
  2 IS 1077   Common burnt clay building             
  3 IS 1200 (Part 3) Method of measurements of             
  4 IS 2212   Code of practice for (1st Revision)           
  5 IS 2222   Specification for burnt clay bricks.            
  6 IS 2849   Specification for non load partition blocks, (Solid and hollow types)       
  7 IS 3495   Method of test for building bricks.           
  8 IS 3812   Specification for fly ash as pozzolana and admixture.         
  9 IS 4139   Specification of calcium silicate             
  10 IS 4885   Specification for sewer brick             
  11 IS 5454   Methods of sampling of bricks.            
  12 IS 12894   Pulverized fuel ash lime             
  13 IS 13757   Specification of burnt clay bricks.            
G. Stone Work   
  1 IS 737   Specifications for wrought aluminium alloy, steel and strip for        
  2 IS 1121 (Pt. I) Methods of determination of strengths of natural building general engineering purpose.      
  3 IS 1122   Methods for determination of of natural building stone         
  4 IS 1123   Methods of identification of stones.            
  5 IS 1124   Methods of test of water absorption, apparent, specific gravity and porposity of natural building stones.  
  6 IS 1125   Methods of test of weathering of natural building stone        
  7 IS 1126   Methods of test for durability of natural building stone        
  8 IS 1128   Specification for Lime stone Tiles).            
  9 IS 1129   Recommendations for dressing of stones.            
  10 IS 1200 (Pt. IV) Methods of measurements of Civil engineering works stone Masonry.        
  11 IS 1197 (Pt. I) Code of practice for rubble stone masonry          
  12 IS 1597 (Pt. II) Code of practice for ashlar stone masonry          
  13 IS 1805   Glossary of terms relating quarrying and dressing          
  14 IS 3620   Specification for latrite stone masonry            
  15 IS 3622   Sand stone (Slab &             
  16 IS 4104 (Pt. I) Code of practice for and veneers (Part I-Stone facing).        
  17 IS 4101 (Part II) Code of practice for and veneers: (Part II-Cement Concrete facing).       
H. Marble Work   
  1 IS 1122   Method of test for TRUE specific gravity of natural        
  2 IS 1124   Method of test for water absorption, apparent specific building stones. gravity and porosity of   
  3 IS 1130   Marble (blocks, slabs and             
  4 IS 4101 (Part 1) Code of practice for and veneers: Stone facing.         
  5 IS 3316   Specifications for structural granite             
  6 IS 14223 (Part 1) Polished Building Stones (Part-1)             
I. Wood Work and PVC Work
  1 IS 204 (Part I)   Specification for (ferrous bolt)           
  2 IS 204 (Part II)   Specification for (non ferrous metals)          
  3 IS 205   Specification for non ferrous hinges            
  4 IS 206   Specification for Tee and             
  5 IS 207   Specification for Gate and and eye           
  6 IS 208   Specification for door handles             
  7 IS 281   Specification for mild steel for use with pad locks        
  8 IS 287   Recommendations for maximum permissible of timber used for different purpose       
  9 IS 303   Specification for plywood for             
  10 IS 362   Specification for parliament hinges             
  11 IS 363   Specification for hasps and             
  12 IS 364   Specification for fan light             
  13 IS 401   Code of practice for timber            
  14 IS 419   Putty for use on             
  15 IS 451   Technical supply condition for             
  16 IS 452   Specification for door spring type            
  17 IS 453   Specification for double acting             
  18 IS 707   Glossary of terms applicable technology and utilization          
  19 IS 710   Specifications for Marine Plywood             
  20 IS 723   Specification for steel counter wire nails.           
  21 IS 729   Specification for drawer lock, lock and box locks         
  22 IS 848   Specification for synthetic resin plywood (phenoic and amino plastic)        
  23 IS 851   Specification for synthetic resin const. work (non structural in wood)       
  24 IS 852   Specification for animal glue wood work purpose          
  25 IS 1003 (Part I)   Specification for and glazed shutter Part I (door shutters)      
  26 IS 1003 (Part II)   Specification for and glazed shutter Part II (window and ventilator shutter)    
  27 IS 1141   Specification for code of seasoning of timber          
  28 IS 1200 Part XIV Method of measurement of civil engg work glazing.         
  29 IS 1200 Part XII Wood work and joinery             
  30 IS 1328   Specification for veneered decorative             
  31 IS 1341   Specification for steel butt             
  32 IS 1378   Specification for oxidized copper             
  33 IS 1566   Specification for hard drawn fabric            
  34 IS 1568   Specification for wire cloth purpose            
  35 IS 1658   Specification for hard drawn fabric            
  36 IS 1659   Specification for block boards             
  37 IS 1708 (Part 1 TO 18)  Testing of small clear timber            
  38 IS 1734   Determination of density and             
  39 IS 1823   Specification for floor door             
  40 IS 1868   Specification for anodic coating and its alloy          
  41 IS 2046   -do- Decorative thermosetting synthetic laminated sheet           
  42 IS 2095   Specification for gypsum plaster             
  43 IS 2096   Specification for asbestos cement             
  44 IS 2202 (Pt I) Specification for wooden flush solid core type (plywood face panels   )    
  45 IS 2202 (Part II  -do- (Particle boards board face panels)          
  46 IS 2209   Specification for mortice lock )            
  47 IS 2380   Method of test for board and board for lignocelluloses material       
  48 IS 2547   Specification for gypsum plaster             
  49 IS 2753   Method for estimation of treated timber and in treating solutions.       
  50 IS 2681   Specification for non-ferrous metal bolts use with pad locks        
  51 IS 3087   Specification for wood particle density) for general purpose.         
  52 IS 3097   Specification for veneered particle             
  53 IS 3828   Specification for ventilator chain             
  54 IS 3400 (Part II) Method of test for (hardness)            
  55 IS 3400 (Part IV) Accelerated aging               
  56 IS 3400 (Part IX) Density                
  57 IS 3564   Specification for door closer             
  58 IS 3618   Phosphate treatment of iron for protection against corrosion         
  59 IS 3813   “C” hooks for use             
  60 IS 3818   Specification for continuous (Piano)             
  61 IS 3847   Specification for mortice night             
  62 IS 4835   Specification for polyvinyl acetate adhesive for wood          
  63 IS 4948   Specification for welded steel for general use          
  64 IS 4992   Specification for rebated mortice             
  65 IS 5187   Specification for flush bolts             
  66 IS 5509   Specification for Fire Retardant             
  67 IS 5930   Specification for mortice latch             
  68 IS 6318   Specification for plastic wire             
  69 IS 6607   Specification for rebated mortice type)            
  70 IS 6760   Specification for sloted counter wood screws.           
  71 IS 7196   Specification for hold fast             
  72 IS 7534   Specification for sliding locking use with pad lock         
  73 IS 7638   Wood/lignocellulosic based panel products for sampling           
  74 IS 8756   Specification for mortice ball use in wooden almirah         
  75 IS 9308 (Part II) Specification for mechanically extracted (Mattress coir fibres)          
  76 IS 9308 (Part III) -do- Decorated coir fibre             
  77 IS 11215   Moisture content of timber products method of determination         
  78 IS 12049   Dimensions and tolerance relating based panel materials          
  79 IS 12406   Specification for medium density             
  80 IS 12817   Specification for stainless steel             
  81 IS 12823   Specification for wood products Boards            
  82 IS 14616   Specifications for laminated veneer             
  83 IS 14842   Specification for coir veneer general purposes           
  84 IS 14856   Specification for glass fibre (FRP) panel type door         
  85 IS 14900   Specifications for transparent float             
J. Steel Work   
  1 IS 63   Whiting for paints and             
  2 IS 198   Varnish gold size              
  3 IS 228   Structural steel (Standard quality)             
  4 IS 277   Specification for galvanized steel and corrugated)           
  5 IS 800   Code of practice for structural steel in general in steel construction      
  6 IS 806   Code of practice for steel Tubes in general building construction       
  7 IS 808   Dimensions for Hot rolled columns, channel and angle sections        
  8 IS 812   Glossary of terms relating and cutting metals          
  9 IS 813   Scheme of symbols for             
  10 IS 814   Covered electrodes for manual welding of carbon and carbon manganese steel      
  11 IS 816   Code of practice for metal arc welding for general construction in mild steel    
  12 IS 817   Code of practice for testing of metal arc welders        
  13 IS 818   Code of practice for healthy requirements in electric and gas welding and cutting operations   
  14 IS 822   Code of procedure for welds            
  15 IS 823   Manual for metal arc mild steel           
  16 IS 1038   Steel doors, windows and             
  17 IS 1081   Code of practice for glazing of metal (Steel and aluminium) doors, windows and ventilators   
  18 IS 1148   Hot rolled steel rivet 40 mm diameters) for structural purposes       
  19 IS 1161   Steel tubes for structural             
  20 IS 1182   Recommended practice for radiographic fusion welded butt joints in steel plates      
  21 IS 1200- (Pt. VIII) Method of measurements of and iron works          
  22 IS 1363 Part I Haxagon head bolts, screws, of product grade C (Hexagon Head       
  23 IS 1363 Part II Haxagon Head Bolts, screws of product Grade ‘C’ bolt)        
  24 IS 1363 Part-III  Haxagan Head Bolts, screws of product grade ‘C’         
  25 IS 1367   Technical supply conditions for fasteners            
  26 IS 1599   Method for bend test             
  27 IS 1608   Metallic materials – Tensile Ambient Temperature.           
  28 IS 1821   Dimensions for clearance holes and screws           
  29 IS 1852   Rolling and cutting tolerance rolled steel products          
  30 IS 1894   Method for tensile testing tubes            
  31 IS 1977   Structural steel (ordinary quality)             
  32 IS 2062   Hot Rolled low, medium tensile structural steel          
  33 IS 2074   Ready mixed paint, air zinc chrome priming          
  34 IS 4351   Specification for steel door             
  35 IS 4454 (Part I) Steel wires for mechanical drawn unalloyed steel wire.         
  36 IS 4711   Methods for sampling of tube and fittings.          
  37 IS 4736   Hot – dip zinc mild steel tubes          
  38 IS 4923   Hollow Steel Sections for - Specification           
  39 IS 6248   Metal rolling shutters and             
  40 IS 7452   Specification for hot rolled for doors, windows and ventilators.        
K. Flooring    
  1 IS 269   Specification for 33 grade Cement            
  2 IS 401   Code of practice for timber            
  3 IS 451   Technical supply conditions for             
  4 IS 455   Specification for portland slag             
  5 IS 661   Code of practice for of cold storages          
  6 IS 702   Specification for industrial bitumen             
  7 IS 1124   Method of test for water absortion, apparent specific gravity and porosity of natural building stones  
  8 IS 1130   Specification for marble (blocks, tiles)            
  9 IS 1141   Code of practice for timber            
  10 IS 1200-(Part XI ) Method of measurement of Civil Engineering work (Part 11) paving, floor finishes, dado and skirting  
  11 IS 1237-   Edition 2.3 Specification for flooring tiles           
  12 IS 1322   Specification for bitumen felts proofing and dampproofing          
  13 IS 1443   Code of practice for finishing of cement concrete flooring tiles       
  14 IS 1489 (Part-I)  Specification for portland pozzolana flyash based           
  15 IS 1489-(Part II)  Specification for Portland pozzolana II) calcined clay based         
  16 IS 1580   Specification for bituminous compounds proofing and caulking purpose         
  17 IS 2114   Code of practice for terrazzo floor finish          
  18 IS 2571   Code of practice for cement concrete flooring          
  19 IS 3622   Specification for sand stone Tiles)            
  20 IS 3670   Code of practice for timber floors           
  21 IS 4457   Acid and/or alkali Resistant             
  22 IS 5318   Code of practice for hard wood parquet and wood block floors      
  23 IS 5766   Code of practice for burnt clay brick floor         
  24 IS 8041   Specification for rapid hardening             
  25 IS 8042   Specification for white portland             
  26 IS 8043   Specification for hydrophobic portland             
  27 IS 8112   Specification for 43 grade cement            
  28 IS 12330   Specification for sulphate resisting             
  29 IS: 13630 (Part-1 TO 15)  Methods of Testing of             
  30 IS 13712   Specification for ceramic tiles; characteristic and marking          
  31 IS 15622   Specification for pressed ceramic             
L. Roofing    
  1 IS 73   Specification for paving Bitumen             
  2 IS 277   Galvanised steel sheets (plain             
  3 IS 651   Glazed stoneware pipes and             
  4 IS 702   Specification for industrial bitumen             
  5 IS 1199   Methods of sampling and concrete            
  6 IS 1200 (PT.IX)  Method of measurements of civil engineering works: Part – 9 Roof covering ( including cladding)  
  7 IS 1200 (PTX)  Method of measurements of civil engineering works: Part -10 ceiling and lining     
  8 IS 1230   Cast iron rain water fitting            
  9 IS 1367 (PT -13) Technical supply conditions for fasteners pt.13 hot dip galvanized coating on threaded fasteners    
  10 IS 2095 (PT-1)  Gypsum plaster boards (Pt.1) plaster boards           
  11 IS 2115   Code of practice for finish: mud phuska          
  12 IS 2633   Method of testing uniformity on zinc coated articles         
  13 IS 2645   Specification for integral water for cement mortar and concrete        
  14 IS 3007 (PT.1)  Code of practice for asbestos cement sheets: part- 1 corrugated sheets      
  15 IS 3007 (PT.2)  Code of practice for asbestos cement sheets part- 2 semicorrugated sheets      
  16 IS 3087   Particle boards of wood lignocellulogic materials (medium density) for general purposes – specifications    
  17 IS 3144   Methods of test for thermal insulation materials          
  18 IS 3346   Method of the determination conductivity of thermal insulation materials        
  19 IS 3348   Specification for fibre insulation             
  20 IS 3384   Specification for bitumen primer proofing and damp proofing         
  21 IS 4671   Expanded polystyrene for thermal             
  23 IS 5688   Methods of test of type and pipe covering type thermal insulations      
  24 IS 6598   Cellular concrete for thermal             
  25 IS 7193   Specification for glass fibre tarpitch & bitumen felts (Amendment        
  26 IS 8183   Bonded mineral wool              
  27 IS 10192   Specifications for synthetic resin fibre (SRBGF) for electrical purposes.        
  28 IS 13592   Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) soil and Waste discharge system for inside and outside building.   
  29 IS 14753   Specifications for polymethyl Methacrylate sheets            
  30 IS 14862   Fibre cement flat sheets             
  31 IS 14871   Specifications for products in cement – Long corrugated or Asymmetrical section sheets and fittings for roofing and

        CPWD Specifications

Specifications for products in cement – Long corrugated or Asymmetrical section sheets and fittings for roofing and   

References  (Click to see )


Task or Out Turn Work (Labor output)

Task or Out Turn Work The capacity of Doing work by skilled labor in the form of quantity per day is called task or...